Congratulations to PATHS-UP’s own TJ Falohun for earning 2nd place in the NSF ERC “Perfect Pitch” Competition.
On October 25th, 2019, fourteen students, including TJ Falohun, from ERCs around the country came together to compete in the National Science Foundation ERC “Perfect Pitch” Competition.
A “perfect pitch” consists of 1 slide and is a maximum of 90 seconds long. In this time, each student is trying to portray in a compelling way the problem their associated ERC is trying to face, the proposed solution, and the impact of the work, if it is successful.
Contestants are judged based on how well they cover the above topics, their call to action, the visual design of their slide, and their poise/presentation style.
The PATHS-UP community is very proud of TJ, as well as the other contestants, for their hard work and amazing presentations.

Watch TJ present his “Perfect Pitch” below.