Here are some exciting updates and upcoming events about our center
Annual Report:
Our annual report has been completed and handed in early this month. This report provides a comprehensive overview of our center’s research, workforce development, culture of inclusion, and innovation. We are proud of our achievements over the past year, and we look forward to building on this momentum in the years to come.
Site Visit
Our site visit is scheduled for February 27th at the Hilton Conference Center. During this visit, representatives from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will meet with our faculty and students and learn about our research projects and achievements of the center from the past year. This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the important work we do at the center and the impact it has on the field of education.
REU Applications:
REU applications are up this year, and we are looking forward to receiving even more applications in the coming weeks. The REU program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to participate in research projects and gain hands-on experience in personalized learning. Applications are due by April 1st, so be sure to submit your application soon if you are interested in participating.
Conference Attendance:
We are proud to report that some of our students and faculty recently attended the SPIE Photonics West conference on 28 January to 2 February at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. This conference provides an opportunity for researchers, scientists, and engineers to discuss advances in photonics and other related fields.
Additionally, we are pleased to share that Dr. Ashu Sabwarhal was recently honored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for his contributions to computer science.
From the entire PATHS-UP team, a heartfelt thank you for your valuable contributions to the Center from the past year and the years to come. With your help, we can achieve our mission of “Changing the paradigm of cardiovascular disease and diabetes for underserved populations”.