
Gerard L. Coté, PhD
- Director, PATHS-UP
Executive Committee - Director, Center for Remote Health Technologies and Systems
- Holder of the James J. Cain Professorship I
- Texas A&M University

Dino Di Carlo, PhD
- Deputy Director, PATHS-UP, and Thrust 1 Co-Lead
Executive Committee
Professor of Bioengineering
University of California, Los Angeles
Executive Committee

Jessica Ramella-Roman, PhD
- Thrust 3 Co-Lead
Executive Committee
Associate Professor
Florida International University

Aydogan Ozcan, PhD
- Thrust 2 Co-Lead
Executive Committee
Chancellor’s Professor and HHMI Professor
University of California, Los Angeles

Ashutosh Sabharwal, PhD
- Thrust 4 Co-Lead
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Founder, WARP
- Rice University
- Thrust 4 Co-Lead
Workforce Development

Karan Watson, PhD
- Workforce Development Director
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Texas A&M University


Thrust 1 Leaders

Dino Di Carlo, PhD
- Deputy Director, PATHS-UP, and Thrust 1 Co-Lead
Professor of Bioengineering
University of California, Los Angeles

Mike McShane, PhD
- Thrust 1 Co-Lead
Professor in Biomedical Engineering
Director of Graduate Programs
Texas A&M University
Thrust 2 Leaders

Aydogan Ozcan, PhD
- Thrust 2 Co-Lead
Executive Committee
Chancellor’s Professor and HHMI Professor
University of California, Los Angeles

Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, PhD
- Thrust 2 Co-Lead
Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University
Thrust 3 Leaders

Jessica Ramella-Roman, PhD
- Thrust 3 Co-Lead
- Executive Committee
Associate Professor
Florida International University

Ashok Veeraraghavan, PhD
Thrust 3 Co-Lead
Executive Committee
Department Chair,
Earnest Dell Butcher Professor of EngineeringDirector, Scalable Health Labs
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rice University
- Ashok Veeraraghavan, PhD Profile
Thrust 4 Leaders

Farzan Sasangohar, PhD
- Thrust 4 Co-lead
- Associate Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Mike and Sugar Barnes Fellowship II, Industrial & Systems Engineering,
- Assistant Professor, Center for Outcomes Research, Houston Methodist Hospital.
- Texas A&M University
- Farzan Sasangohar, PhD Profile

Ashutosh Sabharwal, PhD
- Thrust 4 Co-Lead
- Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Founder, WARP
- Rice University