PATHS-UP is committed to enriching and maintaining a culture of inclusive (CoI) excellence by acknowledging, educating, appreciating, and nurturing diversity, uniqueness, and belongingness to minimize bias and maximize the effectiveness of the PATHS-UP enterprise. Check out Accenture’s video on inclusion to learn more about we are committed to maintaining a culture of inclusivity.
1. Develop, promote, and sustain a culture of inclusion throughout PATHS-UP.
- Host annual workshops with notable guest speakers to discuss CoI topics.
- Target a gender balanced leadership team.
- Include gamification in the CoI process from sites such as FairPlayGame.
- Target a PATHS-UP faculty population that is >20% diverse, including women, persons with disabilities, African Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and other racial groups underrepresented in engineering.
2. Perform outreach to recruit, and retain undergraduate and graduate STEM students from underrepresented groups.
- Participate in at least three diversity recruiting events each year to recruit underrepresented minority undergraduate/graduate students into PATHS-UP.
- PATHS-UP faculty will place underrepresented STEM undergraduate students in the VIP and REU programs.
- Encourage high school students from our underserved and underrepresented communities to participate in the summer scholars program and ultimately pursue STEM careers.
- Target the number of PATHS-UP undergraduate/graduate student scholars to be better than the national engineering averages for underrepresented groups in STEM.
- Invite underrepresented professors and scholars to deliver seminars and talks to our PATHS-UP students.
For more information on PATHS-UP’s culture of inclusion initiatives, contact Theresa Chatman, PATHS-UP Diversity Director by email at [email protected] or by phone at (713) 348-5180.